Field Trips

Field Trip Grants

Do you need some funds to get out and go on field trips? Grants can make that educational travel accessible and possible. Several foundations recognize the importance school trips through field trip grants such as Target, ING Unsung Heroes, SYTA Youth Foundation Road Scholarship, Big Yellow School Bus, Kohl’s Cares Field Trip Program.

Think outside of the classroom and apply for a grant!

Utah Geological Survey (UGS): Earth Science Resources

The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) provides many resources for teacher and students. The agencies and organizations within the UGS provides these things for teachers:

  • Workshops

  • Teaching kits

  • Activities for grades 4th, 5th and 8th

  • Slide sets

  • PowerPoints for grades 4th-8th

  • Maps, materials and other information for K-12

  • Field trips (for teachers and children of all ages)

  • In class speakers

There's a lot of cool resources on this page, navigate, explore and find out for yourself! Bring to light Utah's unique geology with interesting ways to teach it and have fun hands on activities that your students will not forget. 

Utah State University (USU) Physics Day

USU Physics Day at Lagoon is a an educational activity that gives High School and Middle School students the chance to explore the reality of physics in a fun way! What a way to excite your students about physics! This unique opportunity provides students with the chance to take concepts outside the classroom and into their memories forever.

This website is designed for teachers and students. It contains all the information they need to attend and enjoy the many activities and contests sponsored by Utah State University, Idaho National Laboratory, and others.

This year's Physics Day at Lagoon is on Friday May 12, 2017.

Utah Botanical Center and Utah House

Utah Botanical Center and Utah House is a comprehensive field trip program for elementary and secondary school students! There are many unique, hands-on field trips are available for each grade level. Programs are 1.5-2 hours long and begin at 9:30 am (available on Tuesday-Friday between April and mid-October). 

They can accept a maximum of 100 students and two adults per class. The cost for the field trips are $3.00 per student; chaperones and teachers are free! 

To schedule a field trip to the Utah Botanical Center and Utah House, Contact Jayne Mulford at 435-919-1265.


Lakeside Learning

One of the truly unique things about living in Utah is our Great Salt Lake. The Lakeside Learning Field Trip is an awesome 2.5 hour educational tour at Antelope Island State Park. The website states that "the trips combine informal environmental education strategies while incorporating science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) to reinforce the Utah Common Core State Science Standards."

Field trips are offered August-October and April-June. The trip includes exploration around the wetlands, wading in the Great Salt Lake, and bird watching. 

The instructional fee is free for public schools, the park entrance fee is paid for by Friends of Great Salt Lake, and there is even a transportation grant of $150 available per field trip. 

Our typical field trip program starts off with a visit to the playa, where we talk about wetlands, adaptations, the water cycle, and the unique features of Great Salt Lake. Next, students learn how to use binoculars and we travel over the causeway for birding activities. Our trips conclude with a visit to the beach at Ladyfinger Point where students learn about oolitic sand and wade in the Lake for a hands-on experience with brine shrimp and brine flies.
— Friends of Great Salt Lake

Timpanogos Cave

This link takes you to Timpanogos Cave's fee waiver/tours/classroom visit options. An educational presentation from a park ranger in your classroom may also be possible, whether your school is able to visit the cave or not. Ranger presentations emphasize grade-level state science core. Call BJ Cluff at (801) 756-5239 ext. 301 or e-mail to see about scheduling a classroom visit.